Friday, January 29, 2016

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

People Water is a for-profit company that believes no living body should suffer in this world. "People Water is not a charity or a non-profit organization. We're a for-profit, cause-based business, committed to alleviating the global water crisis. We're a double-bottom-line company. That means that we believe that success goes beyond just turning a profit. We feel we have a responsibility to make a positive impact on our world and community." (

People Water does a few things for communities suffering from poverty around the world, one being, New Water. With profit they have made from selling cases of bottled water, they go to suffering communities and restore wells or purify and cleanse the main source of water. They also create a water purification system that many communities would not imagined that they would ever have. This may be expensive, however People Water does not care about the price or expense, they care about the well being of PEOPLE, customers or not.This allows the communities to have a healthy supply of constant water. Again, all this company cares about is the well being of everyone, not just their customers. They don't like to see anyone suffer, and their goal is to bring peace to everyone.

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